Join us for orientation
For prospective and new patients
While not a requirement to be a patient, our live New Patient Orientation on Zoom every 10-14 days is the best way for you to learn important information prior to your initial visit. While some of the procedures we follow are familiar to many of our current patients, there is much that is new, and this is a great opportunity to better understand the practice of Integrative Medicine and how our office works.
We invite everyone to attend the Group Orientation sessions as we believe the information provided will be very valuable and even help established patients to get more out of their experience at the Carolina Center. This is an excellent opportunity for our patients to invite their friends and family to learn more about the Center and understand more about their treatment process.
Upcoming Orientation Dates
March 4th (Tuesday) 6:30pm
March 29th (Saturday) 1:30pm
April 15th (Tuesday) 6:30pm
What to Expect
✔️ What makes the Carolina Center for Integrative Medicine unique compared with conventional medical facilities
✔️ How we approach health and disease at the cellular and molecular levels rather than the more conventional emphasis on organ systems
✔️ The various treatment modalities we utilize to help our patients achieve their goals
✔️ How we utilize diet and nutrition as the foundation of our programs, giving specific instructions as to how to adjust your diet to eliminate any food sensitivities or allergies
✔️ How we evaluate health status using a variety of laboratory and other testing techniques
✔️ How to maximize reimbursement from your insurance company and gain a better expectation of out-of-network costs
✔️ How our practice operates with explanations about how to schedule appointments, how to contact us if you have questions and other information about the policies and procedures of our office
✔️ Recommendation for specific supplements that can be started prior to the initial office visit
✔️ What to expect after starting your treatment plan—for example, what the subsequent 4 to 6 months will be like, and potential timetables for accomplishing your goals
No it is not. However, we believe that participating in the orientation session and following the preparatory recommendations we have developed sets the stage for you to achieve the most effective outcome. We do, however, recognize that some patients need to be seen more quickly and we are willing to work with those individuals to expedite their visit.
Prospective patients who have completed orientation will receive priority scheduling. While we understand that not everyone will be able to complete orientation, learning about our practice in advance and how we operate, will better prepare patients and their families.
If you were unable to attend the New Patient Orientation prior to your initial office visit we encourage you to attend the next Orientation prior to your first follow-up office visit. There is still valuable information to be learned that will enhance your understanding of our approach.
At the end of each of our orientation seminars, you will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Pittman a short question to better determine if we are the right place for your health care needs.
Our free online orientations are scheduled on Saturdays every 3 to 4 weeks. Dr. Pittman typically speaks for approximately 2 hours followed by questions and answers. If you select a date but need to reschedule, just sign up for the next date that works best for you and your schedule.
One of our team members will be in touch 1-2 days prior to orientation to provide you with a Zoom link.